Documents Required for Home Loan

Thank You

Thanks for requesting our checklists. You can start your download by right clicking on the link after this

paragraph. If you are using the Google Chrome or Firefox browsers you will see a dialog box pop up. One

of the choices in that box will be “Save link as”. Left click on “Save link as”. After you do that, another

box will pop up asking you were in your computer you want the checklists. Once you make a selection,

your download will start. If your’re using Microsoft Edge or Explorer, you’ll left click on “Save Target As”

in the first dialog box. Everything else will be the same. We hope one or more of these lists will be a real

time saver for you. It’s terrible when a loan application drags on for what seems like forever.


Click Here to Download Your Checklists


In addition to having access to our checklists, you can also be added to our mailing list so that you can

receive notifications when we find loans that may be of interest to you. You should have already received

a confirmation email from myself or Aweber Communications. This email will contain the line:

“Please click the button below to confirm that you’d like to receive email from Craig Stanford or Loan

Documentation Checklist”

You need to left click on the blue button below that line. The blue button will look like the one down
